Assuming honey is one of the reasons you keep bees, a honey extractor is a critical tool to have access to. Sure you can collect honey without a honey extractor. But that usually involves crushing the comb and it is really messy. In this review, we will stick to the smaller honey extractors more suited for the hobbyist or small producer. Continue Reading
Bee Smoker – How to Light One and Keep it Lit
Three Easy Steps
Lighting and more importantly keeping your bee smoker lit can be a challenge. But it does not need to be. We will cover some of the basics in getting your bee smoker lit and keeping it lit. And do not worry, no need to be a pyromaniac or use highly flammable accelerants. These easy steps will help you get your bee smoker lit and stay lit, but there are no guarantees your smoker will always want to cooperate. Continue Reading
Bee Garden – Planning and Planting Your Own
Now is a good time to start planning your bee garden. Planting a variety of plants that support honeybees is a great way to help out the bee population. Plus a bee garden can make your yard look spectacular. And don’t worry, you don’t need a big yard to help do your part to support honeybees. If you do not have a big yard you can create some beautiful planters for your patio or deck. You just need an outdoor area for your bee garden. Continue Reading
Free Bees – Catching Swarms
Free bees. What could be better than FREE bees? Now that we have your attention, here is how you can get your “free” bees. First, let’s clarify the only thing free are the bees. There is still the cost of the equipment and your time. But this way can save you money and is kind of fun. In this article, we will cover the use of bait hives or swarm traps to catch your ” free” bees. Continue Reading
Three Ways to Buy Honeybees
Buying honeybees are the typical way many beekeepers get started. And late winter to early spring is the time to order them. There are several options available to you when you want to buy honeybees. These options may vary on your location and the sources of honeybees in your area. Beekeeping clubs are often a great resource to buy honeybees through. If your local club does not offer a way to purchase bees, they likely will have recommendations on where to buy honeybees. Continue Reading
Emergency Bee Feed
We are entering the time of year when emergency bee feed needs to be on your mind. Even if your hives are going into winter heavy with honey, emergency feed for your bees should be planned for. Continue Reading