Looking for gift ideas for that new Beekeeper? Here are ten gift ideas for the beginning beekeeper. What better thing to give than the tools for a new hobby? Check out our ten gift ideas for your beginning beekeeper. These are based on things I use or have received as gifts in the past. (Affiliate Links below)
Ten Gift Ideas
1. Beekeeping For Dummies – An absolutely great resource for the beginner or a reference for the experienced beekeeper.2. Hive Tools (9 Inch Scraper and J Hook) – If you are going to “work” your hives you will need to have some tools. I really recommend having at least one each of the two basic types of tools.
3. Hive Smoker – Another invaluable tool. But for an alternative to “lighting up” you can check out my post on using sugar water.
Checkout our “Alternative to Smoking Your Bees”
4. Bee Brush – This is a really useful item to have. It helps to carefully remove bees from frames or your suit.5. Gloves – If you are a bit of a wimp like me when it comes to getting stung, you’ll want a good pair of beekeeping gloves
6. Suit/veil – See comment above. But seriously a good veil/hat is really a necessity in my opinion. The all-in-one suits are a great way to go. 7. Hive and accessories – Well without this stuff you really would not be beekeeping. There are lots of options to look at here. Langstroth and Top Bar are probably the most popular in the States and readily available. 8. Frame Lifter – This I would say is one of those nice to have but not essential. I have two and use them on and off throughout the year. 9. Queen cage – Another useful but not essential item. It can be a good stocking stuffer though. It is handy to have when doing hive inspections if you are worried about keeping track of your queen. 10. Gift Certificate to local bee supplier – Of course the catch-all item if you really do not know what to get your beekeeper. Another benefit of this is that bee ordering time will be in the not-too-distant future and hope your beekeeper can use the gift certificate when it is time to order their bees.Check out our “Five Essential Tools for the Beginning Beekeeper”
Two Bonus Ideas
The first is a toolbox to keep all of these tools in. I personally use a five-gallon plastic bucket. One thing you do need to keep in mind is not putting a hot smoker in the plastic bucket though. Another add-on to the bucket idea would be one of those organizers they sell for gardening that goes over the outside of the bucket. It would be helpful to keep some of the tools in easy-to-find places. The second is a spray bottle. A good quality hand spray bottle. Even two of these can be helpful. I use one for rubbing alcohol to help remove sticky honey and propolis from my hands. The other is for sugar syrup to spray the bees when working hives. I use this in place of a smoker.Happy Beekeeping
(Links to products above are affiliate links where I may receive a commission if purchased.)